
Delivering safe meetings is critical at this time—but there’s more to Cvent Event Diagramming (formerly Social Tables) than social distancing tools. Learn all the ways you can drive immediate revenue and continue to scale your team’s capabilities with Cvent Event Diagramming (formerly Social Tables).

Right now, it is important to prove to planners your venue can host unforgettable events while meeting new safety standards. But in the months and years that follow, you’re going to want to use every tool at your disposal to capitalize on all the goodwill and powerful client connections you developed during this unusual time. To preview just how you can do this, we’re going to show you all the ways you can use Cvent Event Diagramming (formerly Social Tables) to drive leads, grow revenues, and deliver exceptional experiences.

Join this webinar and learn how to:

  • Leverage collaboration and Diagram Check to get planner buy-in before the sale
  • Work with our Professional Services team to generate safe meetings setups for your event spaces
  • Get above-property access for corporate sales teams that are now selling for multiple properties
  • Improve your CSN profile and your own brand site by implementing interactive floor plans that planners love
  • Getting the most out of Photo-Realistic 3D to market, sell, and execute meetings of all types.