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Our in-person events have been cancelled, postponed and some are pivoting to virtual. We’ve transitioned to working from home and all of this is happening while we’re trying to keep our marketing and sales engines running despite the repercussions playing out in the global economy.

While our working conditions have changed, what has not changed is our passion, our work ethic, and our innovative ideas. Join Patrick Smith, SVP & Chief Marketing Officer at Cvent, as he discusses how the power of in-person connections will be critical as we reconnect and recover.

During this 30-minute session he’ll break down what we’re hearing from our customers and industry leaders into three buckets:

  • Adapt – How are we all managing through the crisis and thinking through cancelling, postponing or pivoting to digital?
  • Evolve – The world has changed, so as we recover, how do we create event program strategies that combine virtual and in person events to achieve the most impact?
  • Accelerate – How do we apply what we’ve learned during this crisis to propel the industry forward?

Watch the Webinar